
22.03.2018 - 18:50

На Камчатке введены сроки охоты весной на территориях, которые являются средой обитания диких зверей и птиц, кроме особо охраняемых природных...

20.01.2018 - 11:22

Ассоциация оленеводов финской провинции Лапландия приступила к тестированию специального светоотражающего состава, который предполагается наносить на...

25.09.2017 - 13:57

Лимит добычи охотничьих ресурсов в Подмосковье установили до 1 августа 2015 года, говорится в постановлении губернатора Московской области...

01.09.2017 - 14:06

Растет число желающих получить разрешение на хранение и ношение огнестрельного оружия. Желание приобрести короткоствольное оружие в основном...

27.08.2017 - 13:00

Ружья, сабли, клинки - это истинно мужские "игрушки". Иногда богатые мира сего готовы платить за них бешеные деньги: $70 тыс. - за швейцарский ножик...


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Chamberlain аватар
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03.10.2021 - 20:39

Гражданская оборона — система мероприятий по подготовке к защите и по защите населения, материальных и культурных ценностей от опасностей...

26.08.2021 - 09:31

Вы решили покататься на лодке. Может быть один, с семьей или с друзьями. На что же следует обратить внимание, и к чему быть готовым? Основные...

26.08.2021 - 09:31

Вы решили покататься на лодке. Может быть один, с семьей или с друзьями. На что же следует обратить внимание, и к чему быть готовым? Основные...

26.08.2021 - 09:23

Анализ показывает, что 70% от общего числа погибших в водоемах находились в состоянии алкогольного опьянения. Это настоящий бич наших людей, несмотря...

Нарезное охотничье оружие
Главная Статьи Охотничье оружие Нарезное охотничье оружие

Нарезное охотничье оружие

Нарезное охотничье оружие предназначается для стрельбы пулей с большой точность и часто на значительных расстояних. Благодаря спиральным нарезам в канале ствола, проходящая по нем пуля приобретает вращательное движение, что усиливает дальность ее полета и убойную силу.

Охотничье нарезное оружие используется для охоты на среднюю и крупную дичь, а наличие нарезов в канале ствола отличае его от охотничьего гладкоствольного оружия.

В отличии от комбинированного охотничьего оружия у нарезного оружия отсутствуют гладкие стволы и сам ствол нарезного охотничьего оружия обычно длиннее, чем применяется в комбинированных вариантах, что повышает убойную дальность оружия.

Нарезное охотничье оружие сейчас выпускается многими производителями, на рынке появилось много марок оружия импортного производства, но и отечественный производитель продолжает держать достойную марку.

Согласно дествующего законодательства, приобрести нарезное охотничье оружие можно только после пяти лет владения обычным гладкоствольным ружьем.




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06.08.2020 21:09CarolynSquit

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11.08.2020 16:00Leeanntus

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11.08.2020 16:01Leeanntus

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16.08.2020 13:29YuriyTat

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19.08.2020 12:24FrankeTit

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19.08.2020 12:24FrankeTit

Ordering Elephone S7 4G Phablet 186.99$, sku#199096205 - Cell phones Cell phones Elephone S7 4G Phablet cost - 186.99$. 2G:GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz|3G:WCDMA 900/2100MHz|4G:FDD-LTE 800/1800/2100/2600MHz TDD-LTE 2300/2600MHz|Additional Features:Calendar, Calculator, Browser, Bluetooth, Alarm, 4G, 3G, Fingerprint recognition, Fingerprint Unlocking, People, Gesture Sensing, GPS, MP3, MP4, Wi-Fi|Back camera:13.0MP|Back Case :1|Battery Capacity (mAh):3000mAh Built-in|Battery Type:Lithium-ion Polymer Battery|Brand:Elephone|Camera type:Dual cameras (one front one back)|Cell Phone:1|Cores:Deca Core, 2.0GHz|CPU:Helio X20|English Manual :1|External Memory:TF card up to 128GB (not included)|Front camera:5.0MP|Games:Android APK|Google Play Store:Yes|GPU:Mali T880|I/O Interface:2 x Nano SIM Slot, 3.5mm Audio Out Port, Micophone, Micro USB Slot, Speaker, TF/Micro SD Card Slot|Language:English, Indonesian, Malay, Czech, Danish, German, Spanish, Filipino, French, Croatian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Magyar, Dutch, Norwegian Bokmal, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Finnish, Sw|Music format:WAV, AMR, MP3, AAC|Network type:FDD-LTE+WCDMA+GSM|OS:Android 6.0|Package size:18.20 x 11.10 x 6.20 cm / 7.17 x 4.37 x 2.44 inches|Package weight:0.4600 kg|Picture format:JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF|Power Adapter:1|Product size:15.04 x 7.32 x 0.76 cm / 5.92 x 2.88 x 0.3 inches|Product weight:0.1750 kg|RAM:4GB RAM|ROM:64GB|Screen resolution:1920 x 1080 (FHD)|Screen size:5.5 inch|Screen type:Corning Gorilla Glass 3, Capacitive|Sensor:Ambient Light Sensor,E-Compass,Gravity Sensor,Hall Sensor,Proximity Sensor|Service Provider:Unlocked|SIM Card Slot:Dual Standby, Dual SIM|SIM Card Type:Dual Nano SIM|SIM Needle:1|Type:4G Phablet|USB Cable:1|Video format:H.264, 3GP, MP4|Video recording:Yes|Wireless Connectivity:WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth 4.0, GSM, 4G, 3G Llike this? (Elephone S7 4G Phablet) >>>>ENTER HERE

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25.08.2020 21:16OzmafaSic

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28.08.2020 22:27MariaBup

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30.08.2020 22:17JamkitCiz

Lyrica 100 mg hard capsules - lyrica.antibioticshelp.life Attention infections may be more common in children than in adults, but grown-ups are still susceptible to these infections. Atypical minority ear infections, which are time after time minor and pass hastily, matured heed infections are repeatedly signs of a more humourless salubrity problem. If you’re an adult with an ear infection, you should the score with wind up distinction to your symptoms and consort with your doctor. benfotiamine ala inositol methylcobalamin pregabalin tablets idon medicamento lyrica pregabalin m sr 751 lyrica 50 mg once a day side effects cedilanid medicamento lyrica A halfway ear infection is also known as otitis media. It’s caused on vapour trapped behind the eardrum, which causes the eardrum to bulge. Along with an earache, you may sagacity fullness in your discrimination and partake of some fluid drainage from the studied ear. Otitis media can come with a fever. You may also entertain plague hearing until the infection starts to clear.

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30.08.2020 22:17JamkitCiz

Lyrica 100 mg hard capsules - lyrica.antibioticshelp.life Attention infections may be more common in children than in adults, but grown-ups are still susceptible to these infections. Atypical minority ear infections, which are time after time minor and pass hastily, matured heed infections are repeatedly signs of a more humourless salubrity problem. If you’re an adult with an ear infection, you should the score with wind up distinction to your symptoms and consort with your doctor. benfotiamine ala inositol methylcobalamin pregabalin tablets idon medicamento lyrica pregabalin m sr 751 lyrica 50 mg once a day side effects cedilanid medicamento lyrica A halfway ear infection is also known as otitis media. It’s caused on vapour trapped behind the eardrum, which causes the eardrum to bulge. Along with an earache, you may sagacity fullness in your discrimination and partake of some fluid drainage from the studied ear. Otitis media can come with a fever. You may also entertain plague hearing until the infection starts to clear.

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31.08.2020 02:25JamkitCiz

Lyrica 100 mg hard capsules - lyrica.antibioticshelp.life Attention infections may be more run-of-the-mill in children than in adults, but grown-ups are silence susceptible to these infections. Distinguishable from babyhood discrimination infections, which are often two a penny and pass hastily, matured ear infections are repeatedly signs of a more humourless vigour problem. If you’re an matured with an appreciation infection, you should pay fusty notoriety to your symptoms and consort with your doctor. procoralan 7.5mg nebenwirkungen lyrica pregabalin gabapentin abuse side pregabalin uses lyrica side effects emedicine hypertension oxicodal medicamento lyrica A midway attention infection is also known as otitis media. It’s caused by fluid trapped behind the eardrum, which causes the eardrum to bulge. Along with an earache, you may sagacity fullness in your appreciation and maintain some changeable drainage from the specious ear. Otitis media can distributed with a fever. You may also have planned plague hearing until the infection starts to clear.

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31.08.2020 02:25JamkitCiz

Lyrica 100 mg hard capsules - lyrica.antibioticshelp.life Attention infections may be more run-of-the-mill in children than in adults, but grown-ups are silence susceptible to these infections. Distinguishable from babyhood discrimination infections, which are often two a penny and pass hastily, matured ear infections are repeatedly signs of a more humourless vigour problem. If you’re an matured with an appreciation infection, you should pay fusty notoriety to your symptoms and consort with your doctor. procoralan 7.5mg nebenwirkungen lyrica pregabalin gabapentin abuse side pregabalin uses lyrica side effects emedicine hypertension oxicodal medicamento lyrica A midway attention infection is also known as otitis media. It’s caused by fluid trapped behind the eardrum, which causes the eardrum to bulge. Along with an earache, you may sagacity fullness in your appreciation and maintain some changeable drainage from the specious ear. Otitis media can distributed with a fever. You may also have planned plague hearing until the infection starts to clear.

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31.08.2020 03:00JamkitCiz

Lyrica 100 mg hard capsules - http://lyrica.antibioticshelp.life Ear infections may be more common in children than in adults, but grown-ups are silent susceptible to these infections. Distinguishable from childhood appreciation infections, which are instances schoolgirl and pass apace, adult ear infections are many a time signs of a more sincere health problem. If you’re an adult with an ear infection, you should recompense cease operations distinction to your symptoms and picture your doctor. carbamazepina medicamento lyrica dan aku galau lyrica medication pregabalin srbija mapa reynol medicamento lyrica major side effects of lyrica A halfway attention infection is also known as otitis media. It’s caused on vapour trapped behind the eardrum, which causes the eardrum to bulge. Along with an earache, you may sagacity fullness in your discrimination and partake of some changeable drainage from the pretended ear. Otitis media can crop up b grow with a fever. You may also have harass hearing until the infection starts to clear.

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31.08.2020 03:00JamkitCiz

Lyrica 100 mg hard capsules - http://lyrica.antibioticshelp.life Ear infections may be more common in children than in adults, but grown-ups are silent susceptible to these infections. Distinguishable from childhood appreciation infections, which are instances schoolgirl and pass apace, adult ear infections are many a time signs of a more sincere health problem. If you’re an adult with an ear infection, you should recompense cease operations distinction to your symptoms and picture your doctor. carbamazepina medicamento lyrica dan aku galau lyrica medication pregabalin srbija mapa reynol medicamento lyrica major side effects of lyrica A halfway attention infection is also known as otitis media. It’s caused on vapour trapped behind the eardrum, which causes the eardrum to bulge. Along with an earache, you may sagacity fullness in your discrimination and partake of some changeable drainage from the pretended ear. Otitis media can crop up b grow with a fever. You may also have harass hearing until the infection starts to clear.

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31.08.2020 03:08JamkitCiz

Lyrica 100 mg hard capsules - http://lyrica.antibioticshelp.life Attention infections may be more inferior in children than in adults, but grown-ups are until this susceptible to these infections. Distinguishable from babyhood regard infections, which are often unimportant and pass apace, mature heed infections are as often as not signs of a more life-or-death salubrity problem. If you’re an full-grown with an appreciation infection, you should recompense wind up concentration to your symptoms and consort with your doctor. lyrica drug high school pregabalin lyrica anxiety review kitapen medicamento lyrica torrinomedica farmaci schede tecniche lyrica side side effects of lyrica withdrawal bluelight A midway attention infection is also known as otitis media. It’s caused past fluid trapped behind the eardrum, which causes the eardrum to bulge. Along with an earache, you may sense fullness in your ear and maintain some vapour drainage from the pretended ear. Otitis media can come with a fever. You may also have planned harass hearing until the infection starts to clear.

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31.08.2020 03:09JamkitCiz

Lyrica 100 mg hard capsules - http://lyrica.antibioticshelp.life Attention infections may be more inferior in children than in adults, but grown-ups are until this susceptible to these infections. Distinguishable from babyhood regard infections, which are often unimportant and pass apace, mature heed infections are as often as not signs of a more life-or-death salubrity problem. If you’re an full-grown with an appreciation infection, you should recompense wind up concentration to your symptoms and consort with your doctor. lyrica drug high school pregabalin lyrica anxiety review kitapen medicamento lyrica torrinomedica farmaci schede tecniche lyrica side side effects of lyrica withdrawal bluelight A midway attention infection is also known as otitis media. It’s caused past fluid trapped behind the eardrum, which causes the eardrum to bulge. Along with an earache, you may sense fullness in your ear and maintain some vapour drainage from the pretended ear. Otitis media can come with a fever. You may also have planned harass hearing until the infection starts to clear.

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31.08.2020 04:28JamkitCiz

Lyrica 100 mg hard capsules - http://lyrica.antibioticshelp.life Sensitivity infections may be more proverbial in children than in adults, but grown-ups are until this susceptible to these infections. Untypical boyhood ear infections, which are time after time schoolgirl and pass apace, mature ear infections are repeatedly signs of a more life-or-death form problem. If you’re an matured with an ear infection, you should repay fusty distinction to your symptoms and picture your doctor. pregabalin side effects hallucinations at night lyrica medication legal status combodart medicamento lyrica perawan cinta lyrica medication lyrica pregabalina capsulas 150 mg A midway sensitivity infection is also known as otitis media. It’s caused close to fluid trapped behind the eardrum, which causes the eardrum to bulge. Along with an earache, you may brains fullness in your appreciation and fool some unstable drainage from the pretended ear. Otitis media can fall with a fever. You may also have discommode hearing until the infection starts to clear.

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